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Signature-based Static Analysis for Detecting Recurring Vulnerabilities


Similar software vulnerabilities recur because developers reuse existing vulnerable code, or make similar mistakes when implementing the same logic. Recently, various analysis techniques have been proposed to find syntactically recurring vulnerabilities via code reuse. However, limited attention has been devoted to semantically recurring ones that share the same vulnerable behavior in different code structures. We present a general analysis framework, called Tracer, for detecting such recurring vulnerabilities. The main idea is to represent vulnerability signatures as traces over interprocedural data dependencies. Tracer is based on a taint analysis that can detect various types of vulnerabilities. For a given set of known vulnerabilities, the taint analysis extracts vulnerable traces and establishes a signature database of them. When a new unseen program is analyzed, Tracer compares all potentially vulnerable traces reported by the analysis with the known vulnerability signatures. Then, Tracer reports a list of potential vulnerabilities ranked by the similarity score.


Once upon a time, there was a vulnerability…

Here is a code snippet describing a security vulnerability found in gimp-2.6.7 in 2009 (CVE-2009-1570).

gint32 ToL(guchar *puffer) {
  // 2. Transform the given string to an (arbitrarily large) integer
  return (puffer[0] | puffer[1] << 8 | puffer[2] << 16 | puffer[3] << 24);
gint16 ToS(guchar *puffer) { return (puffer[0] | puffer[1] << 8); }

gint32 ReadBMP(gchar *name) {
  FILE *fd = fopen(name, "rb");
  if (!fd) return -1;
  // 1. Read a byte string from a file
  if (fread(buffer, Bitmap_File_Head.biSize - 4, fd) != 0)
    return -1;
  Bitmap_Head.biWidth = ToL(& buffer[0x00]);
  Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt = ToS(& buffer[0x0A]);
  // 3. An integer overflow caused by the multiplication
  rowbytes = ((Bitmap_Head.biWidth * Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt - 1) / 32) * 4 + 4;
  image_ID = ReadImage(rowbytes);

gint32 ReadImage(gint rowbytes) {
  /* 4. memory allocation with an overflowed size */
  guchar *buffer = malloc(rowbytes);
  /* 5. uses of variable buffer */

The vulnerable behavior takes place along with the following execution trace:

  1. Read a byte string from a file:
    fread(buffer, Bitmap_File_Head.biSize - 4, fd)
  2. Transform the given string to an (arbitrarily large) integer:
    (puffer[0] | puffer[1] << 8 | puffer[2] << 16 | puffer[3] << 24)
  3. An integer overflow caused by the multiplication:
    rowbytes = ((Bitmap_Head.biWidth * Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt - 1) / 32) ...;
  4. Memory allocation with an overflowed size:
    guchar *buffer = malloc(rowbytes);
  5. Uses of the variable buffer

Deja vu, 8 years later

After 8 years, a similar vulnerability was found in another program, sam2p-0.49.4 (CVE-2017-16663). Here is the code snippet:

long ToL(unsigned char *puffer) {
  return (puffer[0] | puffer[1] << 8 | puffer[2] << 16 | puffer[3] << 24);
short ToS(unsigned char *puffer) { return (puffer[0] | puffer[1] << 8); }

bitmap_type bmp_load_image(FILE *fd) {
  if (fread(buffer, 18, fd) || (strncmp((const char *)buffer, "BM", 2)))
    FATALP("BMP: not a valid BMP file");
  if (fread(buffer, Bitmap_File_Head.biSize - 4, fd) != 0)
    FATALP("BMP: Error reading BMP file header #3");
  Bitmap_Head.biWidth = ToL(&buffer[0x00]);
  Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt = ToS(&buffer[0x0A]);
  rowbytes = ((Bitmap_Head.biWidth * Bitmap_Head.biBitCnt - 1) / 32) * 4 + 4;
  image.bitmap = ReadImage(rowbytes);

unsigned char *ReadImage(int rowbytes) {
  unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char *) new char[rowbytes];

How can we detect this recurring vulnerability? Since they are structurally similar to each other, clone-based approaches might help here.

Semantically recurring vulnerability

This is yet another vulnerability found in libXcursor-1.1.14 in 2017 (CVE-2017-16612).

XcursorBool _XcursorReadUInt(XcursorFile *file, XcursorUInt *u) {
  unsigned char bytes[4];
  if ((*file->read)(file, bytes, 4) != 4)
    return XcursorFalse;
  *u = (bytes[0] | (bytes[1] << 8) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[3] << 24));
  return XcursorTrue;

XcursorImage *_XcursorReadImage(XcursorFile *file) {
  XcursorImage head;
  XcursorImage *image;
  if (!_XcursorReadUInt(file, &head.width)) return NULL;
  if (!_XcursorReadUInt(file, &head.height)) return NULL;
  image = XcursorImageCreate(head.width, head.height);

XcursorImage *XcursorImageCreate(int width, int height) {
  XcursorImage *image;
  /* memory allocation with an overflowed size */
  image = malloc(sizeof(XcursorImage) + width * height * sizeof(XcursorPixel));
  /* initialize struct image */
  return image;

Although this code snippet looks different from the previous cases, their vulnerable behavirs are semantically the same as before:

  1. Read a byte string from a file:
    *file->read(file, bytes, 4)
  2. Transform the given string to an (arbitrarily large) integer:
    (bytes[0] | bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[3] << 24)
  3. An integer overflow caused by the multiplication:
    sizeof(XcursorImage) + width * height * sizeof(XcursorPixel)
  4. Memory allocation with an overflowed size:
    image = malloc(sizeof(XcursorImage) + width * height * sizeof(XcursorPixel))
  5. Uses of the variable image

How can we detect this recurring vulnerability?

Tracer, a software immune system

For a given set of known vulnerabilities, Tracer extracts vulnerable traces and establishes a signature database of them. When a new unseen program is analyzed, Tracer compares all potentially vulnerable traces reported by the analysis with the known vulnerability signatures. Finally, Tracer reports a list of potential vulnerabilities ranked by the similarity score.

In the example case, given the first vulnerbility (CVE-2019-1570), Tracer precisely detects the last one (CVE-2017-16612) with a high similarity score, 0.96.

For details, see the paper below.



We provide the artifacts image, which contains datasets and programs used by evaluating Tracer. You can access the artifacts image via DockerHub at this link.